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Technical Game Designer

My name is Miguel Ganhao. Graduate from Teesside University with a Masters in Game Design and a Bachelors in Technical Game Development. During my studies, I gained skills in   Game Design  ,

Level Design  ,   Visual Scripting   and   Project Management  .


My passion for video games comes from a combination of creativity, technical skills and how games can bring people from all backgrounds together. Whether it is playing games or creating them, video games have been a great part of my life and want to bring that experience to future gamers.




Mechanics & Systems Design, Level Design, Scripting Events, Blueprints, Optimisation.



Level Design, Environment Building, Visual Scripting, C#.


Advanced Mission Design

Icon For Athena Game Jam

Athena Game Jam 2024

Masters Final Project

Game Design Optimisation

Rational Game Design

Games Management

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